nixys / nxs-chat-srv

Nixys chat bot that integrates Telegram and Redmine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is considered deprecated and will be archived. For the new version of this tool please go to nxs-support-bot project.


Nxs-chat-srv is a Telegram Bot that allows linking Redmine and Telegram.

At the moment nxs-chat-bot supports only English and Russian languages. You may create files in json format for your languages.

Compatible with Redmine 4.2+



docker pull nixyslab/nxs-chat-srv:latest


Default configuration file locacation is /nxs-chat-srv.conf. Config file is in JSON format.


Nxs-chat-srv process settings block description.

  • pid_file: nxs-chat-srv pid file path.
  • queue_worker_term_timeout: timeout in seconds to wait for queue-worker subrocesses to terminate.
  • rest_api_term_timeout: rest-api subrocesses termination wait timeout seconds.
  • daemonize: whether or not daemonize nxs-chat-srv.


Loging settings block description.

  • level: loglevel detalization.
  • path: logfile path.


Bind settings block description.

  • iface: bind address.
  • port: bind port.
  • ssl (object):
    • use_ssl: whether or not to use SSL certificate to protect the incomming connections from Telegram and Redmine.
    • crt: SSL certificate file path.
    • key: SSL certificate private key file path.


Telegram settings block description.

  • bot_api_addr: Telegram Bot API host (default:
  • bot_api_key: Telegram Bot API key.
  • auth_token: part of URL secret path to make sure requests come from Telegram (for details see:
  • webhook_host: URL (including protocol and port) to take Telegram updates.
  • proxy (object, not required):
    • type: type of proxy. Available values: none (don't use proxy), http, socks5, socks5_hostname (let the proxy resolve the host name).
    • host: proxy host.
    • port: proxy port.
    • auth (object, not required):
      • type: auth method. Available values: none (don't use authorization), basic, ntlm.
      • user: proxy auth username
      • pass: proxy auth password


MySQL settings block description.

  • name: MySQL DB name.
  • user: MySQL DB user.
  • pass: MySQL DB password.
  • host: MySQL DB host.
  • port: MySQL DB port.


Redis settings block description.

  • keys_space: prefix for all nxs-chat-srv instance keys stored in Redis.
  • cluster: wheter or not to use Redis Cluster (use false for Redis Standalone mode).
  • nodes (objects array) specify one node for Redis Standalone mode or array of nodes for Redis Cluster mode:
    • host: Redis instance host.
    • port: Redis instance port.


Redmine settings block description.

  • url: This option is used to create links to Redmine issues in Telegram messages. It's useful to make for users a valid links in case if Redmine has host address in internal network (e.g. in Docker installations). If not specified, option value will be used.
  • host: Redmine host URL (e.g. This value is used to connections with Redmine API.
  • api_key: Redmine Rest API key account (with Administrator permissions). Used for Redmine interactions (e.g. get users list, projects list, etc).
  • auth_token: part of URL secret path to make sure requests come from Redmine.
  • presale_project_name: Redmine project name where messages from users without Telegram account specified will be delivered as separate issues.
  • presale_api_key: Redmine Rest API key for presale account.
  • issue_list_query_id: Redmine query ID to get issues available for a user.
  • ssl_verifyhost: whether or not to verify Redmine host SSL certificate.
  • cf_telegram: Redmine custom field ID with user Telegram username.
  • status_in_progress: Redmine In progress status ID
  • status_need_feedback: Redmine Need feedback status ID
  • status_resolved: Redmine Resolved status ID


Rest API queue process settings block description.

  • pop_timeout_ms: microseconds sleep timeout between data processing operations from Rest API queue.
  • queue_workers: Rest API queue workers processes count.


Cache settings block description.

  • projects_ttl: projects cache TTL
  • users_ttl: users cache TTL
  • issue_priorities_ttl: issue priorities cache TTL
  • lock_file: cache lock file path. Create empty file to disable cache. Use this option to make sure cache processing only for one nxs-caht-srv node in cluster mode.


Development accounts settings block description.

Strings array contains the Telegram usernames allowed to work with nxs-chat. Useful for development purposes.


Attachments settings block description.

  • tlgrm_download_tmp_dir: Telegram attachments download tmp dir.
  • rdmn_download_tmp_dir: Redmine attachments download tmp dir.


Statistic settings block description.

  • auth_token: part of URL secret path to access the nxs-chat-bot statistics page.


Labels settings block description.

This block is used to translate user Telegram bot interface to their language specified in Redmine.

  • default_lang: default language (default: en).
  • labels_path: path to the directory with language files (default: /usr/share/nxs-chat-srv/labels/).


Description of the settings block for the greeting message.

Bot replies with a greeting message in accordance with language specified in Redmine account settings after receiving '/start' command from user.

This block is an objects array:

  • lang: greeting language
  • text: greeting text

If there are no greetings for user language the greeting for default language will be used.


To set up nxs-chat-srv you need:

Redmine setting up

After Redmine is installed, you need to create some basic elements, such as: roles, users, statuses, trackers, etc.

This section describes setup for an empty Redmine installation. So if you already have installed and configured Redmine - look the subsections below and make sure you have all needed settings in place.

Let's begin...

Firstly change the default Redmine admin password :)

Check that nxs-chat-redmine plugin has been installed in Redmine plugins directory.

Basic settings

Enable REST web service

Go to and enable Enable REST web service:

Enable REST web service

Nxs-chat Redmine plugin

  • Generate a random secret string (e.g. id35kn7resb536bfc8zywdgaugk1ur69cysowr2kpiq5ngw41q)
  • Prepare the URL for nxs-chat-srv notificatinons (e.g.

Setting up Nxs-chat Redmine plugin

Go to and paste prepared URL into URL for notifications field:

Setting up Nxs-chat Redmine plugin

Optionally you can disable nxs-chat-srv SSL verification.

Edit the following option in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file:

  • redmine.auth_token: generated secret string (e.g. id35kn7resb536bfc8zywdgaugk1ur69cysowr2kpiq5ngw41q)


Go to and create a few statuses:

  • New
  • In progress
  • Need feedback
  • Resolved (Issue closed)

Now you need to get the IDs of created statuses:

Get the IDs of created statuses

and insert them in the following options in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file:

  • redmine.status_in_progress: ID of In progress status
  • redmine.status_need_feedback: ID of Need feedback status
  • redmine.status_resolved: ID of Resolved status


You need one or more trackers to make possible issue processing in Redmine.

Go to and create a new tracker:

Create the new tracker


You need to one or more roles to make possible issue processing in Redmine.

Go to and create a new role with the following permissions:

  • Project:
    • Create project
    • Edit project
    • Manage members
    • Create subprojects
    • Save queries
    • Manage public queries
  • Issue tracking:
    • View Issues
    • Add issues
    • Edit issues
    • Set issues public or private
    • Set own issues public or private
    • Add notes
    • View private notes
    • Set notes as private
    • View watchers list
    • Add watchers
    • Delete watchers

Create the role

Create the role

For demo version allow creating new projects for all registered users

Go to and enable Create project option on Project block:

Enable Create project option

For demo version set the role given to a non-admin user who creates a project

Go to and select option Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project to created role:

Set default role


Now go to and make a workflow for created role and tracker:

Create workflow


You need one or more priorities to make possible issue processing in Redmine.

Go to and create the following priorities:

  • Low
  • Normal (Default value)
  • High


Custom fields

Now create a custom field for Telegram username. This field is required to link Telegram and Redmine accounts.

Go to and select the type of object to which the custom field shall be attached:

Custom field create step 1

Custom field create step 2

Get the created custom field ID:

Get custom field ID

and insert it in the following option in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file:

  • redmine.cf_telegram: ID of created custom field


Create the Pre-sale project to communicate with all no registered users.

Go to and create a new project named Pre-sale. Make sure that project options match the following:

  • Public: false
  • Trackers: New issue is enabled

Create presale project

and insert its name in the following option in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file:

  • redmine.presale_project_name: Pre-sale

Issues list query

Go to and create a query with the following required options:

  • Name: you can use any name (e.g. Telegram users issues list)
  • Visible: to any users
  • For all projects: true

Create issues list query

Get created query id:

Get a created query id

and insert it the following option in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file:

  • redmine.issue_list_query_id: created query ID


Create an account with administrative permissions

Go to and fill out the fields for the new account:

Create admin account

Now log in as the new user and get the Rest API key:

Get Rest API key for admin account

Insert it in the following option in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file:

  • redmine.api_key: Rest API key for account with administrative permissions (e.g. 1e1df4d04909895dd8a7fa22e2d523b2c8cbf3fe)

Create presale account

Go to and fill out the fields for the new account:

Create presale account

Now log in as the new user and get the Rest API key:

Get Rest API key for presale account

Insert it in the following option in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file:

  • redmine.presale_api_key: Rest API key for presale account (e.g. bf14e3d4e819485a2729109dad2c8d464741f941)

Nxs-chat-srv setting up

In addition to already specified settings you need to set the following blocks.

Block bind

In this block set bind address, port and path to SSL certificate and private key.

Block redmine

  • specify the Redmine host URL (including protocol and port, e.g.
  • redmine.ssl_verifyhost: set to true if you want to verify Redmine SSL certificate or false otherwise

Block mysql

Create MySQL DB and specify the connection options in corresponding block in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file.

Block redis

Specify connection options in corresponding block in /nxs-chat-srv.conf config file.

Block telegram

  • telegram.bot_api_key: set the Telegram Bot API key
  • telegram.auth_token: generate and set the secret string. This string is a part of URL path to make sure requests come from Telegram.
  • telegram.webhook_host: specify the nxs-chat-srv host URL (including protocol and port, e.g.

Block statistic

Telegram bot initializaton

Before the nxs-chat-srv has been starts you need to set Webhook in Telegram and populate the created MySQL DB.

  • To set Webhook run nxs-chat-srv with one of the follows options:
    • In case the trusted SSL certificate is used:
    nxs-chat-srv -i set_webhook
    nxs-chat-srv -i set_webhook_self_signed_certificate
  • To populate the created MySQL DB run nxs-chat-srv with follow option:
    nxs-chat-srv -i create_tables


Nixys chat bot that integrates Telegram and Redmine

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 92.8%Language:Makefile 6.4%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Jinja 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%