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Artem Kanev

Haskell/Rust backend developer

Previous Employment

SQL Developer

Nov 2014 - Dec 2015

Basis Inc, Saransk, Russia

Writing queries and render it into .docx

Tech stack: Java, T-SQL

Backend Python Developer

Jan 2016 - Feb 2017

IcanTech Inc, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Online casino backoffice report system.

Tech stack: Python, gevent, celery, sqlalchemy, MySQL, Redis

Backend Python Developer

Feb 2017 - Feb 2018

Russian Media Group Inc, Moscow, Russia

Backend development of sites and

Tech stack: Python, Flask, docker, Postgresql, Redis

Freelance Python Developer

Feb 2018 - June 2019

Various Haskell and Python tasks on Upwork

Backend Haskell Developer

June 2019 - Now

GetShop.TV, Moscow, Russia

Lead developer, teamlead, internal infrastucture engineering, DevOps.
