nixme / pry-debugger

Pry navigation commands via debugger (formerly ruby-debug)

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I cannot type an 'o', 'p', or 'v' inside the pry-debugger.

vrsean opened this issue · comments

This is a baffling situation that makes use of variable names and the continue method very difficult. I've been a user of the pry debugger for a long time and terminal corruption and this sort of thing occasionally happens (like when Unicorn reaps the debugger session, or two debugger sessions end up on top of each other like with multiple capistrano hosts), but not to the point of unusability like this.

Sometimes the 'o' shows up after typing it three times, then I get an o^? and can safely delete the ^?. But this time around, I can't type an o to save my life.

I am using pry-debugger 0.2.3 trying to debug Capistrano scripts, if that helps.