nix-community / vulnix

Vulnerability (CVE) scanner for Nix/NixOS.

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BTrees (unittest.loader._FailedTest) ... ERROR

samrose opened this issue · comments

Installing vulnix 1.6.3 from nixpkgs unstable results in

BTrees (unittest.loader._FailedTest) ... ERROR

ERROR: BTrees (unittest.loader._FailedTest)
ImportError: Failed to import test module: BTrees
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/nix/store/pz8nl4cnppd3p1cykshcb40mqxjd5yvy-python3-3.6.5/lib/python3.6/unittest/", line 153, in loadTestsFromName
    module = __import__(module_name)
  File "/tmp/nix-build-python3.6-BTrees-4.5.0.drv-0/BTrees-4.5.0/BTrees/", line 15, in <module>
    import zope.interface
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zope.interface'

Ran 1 test in 0.000s

FAILED (errors=1)
Test failed: <unittest.runner.TextTestResult run=1 errors=1 failures=0>
error: Test failed: <unittest.runner.TextTestResult run=1 errors=1 failures=0>
builder for '/nix/store/8k0s96ryc03lsam80f9fr8wwgasd97n4-python3.6-BTrees-4.5.0.drv' failed with exit code 1
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/liykw3g2crwj4mvzzqv73khvs4xik0p4-python3.6-ZODB-5.4.0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/3bcipza729hy5jamyhxrlx30z02w9nkv-vulnix-1.6.3.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
error: build of '/nix/store/3bcipza729hy5jamyhxrlx30z02w9nkv-vulnix-1.6.3.drv' failed

It works on current master.
I fixed another issue with btrees earlier today in NixOS/nixpkgs@7c96b91.

Once unstable progresses past that commit vulnix should work again.

Interesting... I'll have look at it to make sure that the Nix expr in master is correct.

This was an upstream build failure not directly caused by vulnix. The build has been fixed in the meanwhile. vulnix is building correctly again.