nix-community / nix-index

Quickly locate nix packages with specific files [maintainers=@bennofs @figsoda @raitobezarius]

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Index non-free packages

Atry opened this issue · comments

Currently, when executing

nix-locate include/cuda_runtime.h

the result is

(emacsPackages.racer.out)                            66 r /nix/store/jwkmkqvbgs2akycjw4sn7in1kh1j6sv9-rust-src/src/llvm-project/clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/cuda_runtime.h

It would be nice if cudaPackages.cuda_cudart is also listed.

This would require to have the non-free packages built, but, we don't have such cache around, thus it's impossible to generate this if we don't build unfree packages.

I suppose you can just teach nix-index to use those caches to enrich the database.