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The '.out' file extension

bfcns opened this issue · comments

This is just a question, I am new to NixOS, and couldn't find an answer anywhere else.

Why there is an '.out' extension of the applications?

You mean this?

>> nix-locate '/bin/edir'
edir.out                                            348 x /nix/store/ncgjrkizci1q0fiv6f7cwrbn842341hm-edir-2.7.3/bin/edir

out is name of output. If derivation has no explicit outputs = ..., it has only one output named out. Outputs are equivalent of binary packages for dpkgs, if that helps.

The answer @KAction gave is correct, the default output is called '.out' but there are also packages which have '.dev' etc. for development headers.

Thanks guys.