niuware / mui-rte

Material-UI Rich Text Editor and Viewer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to create a key command for the link control

islalobo opened this issue · comments



We were able to create custom key commands for each of the controls we are using with either togglBlockType or toggleInlineStyle. However, trying to toggle the link control with a key command has not been working

  key: 55, // 7
  name: 'toggle-unordered-list',
  callback: (editorState) => {
    const newState = RichUtils.toggleBlockType(editorState, 'unordered-list-item');
    return newState;
  • What is the correct way to implement a key command for a link control?
  • Is there documentation on what the default key commands are?
  • Is there a way to implement a tooltip or title to be added to the icon buttons to display the assoc. key command?