nitishsrivastava / deepnet

Implementation of some deep learning algorithms.

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IndexError: too many indices for array

tengshaofeng opened this issue · comments

when i run the example of multimodal_dbn ,after the output message ''Collecting all representations",there is a problem like this:

Output written in directory /home/tbq/Downloads/flickr/dbn_reps/split_1
Output written in directory /home/tbq/Downloads/flickr/dbn_reps/split_2
Output written in directory /home/tbq/Downloads/flickr/dbn_reps/split_3
Split 1 image_input
Step 500 T_CE: 13.450Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/deepnet/", line 60, in
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/deepnet/", line 54, in main
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/deepnet/", line 649, in Train
self.Evaluate(validation=True, collect_predictions=collect_predictions)
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/deepnet/", line 394, in Evaluate
MAP, prec50, MAP_list, prec50_list = self.ComputeScore(predictions, targets)
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/deepnet/", line 429, in ComputeScore
this_ap, this_prec = self.ScoreOneLabel(preds[:,i], targets[:,i])
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/deepnet/", line 409, in ScoreOneLabel
targets_sorted = targets[(-preds.T).argsort().flatten(),:]
IndexError: too many indices for array

what i should do?

Try this
targets_sorted = targets[(-preds.T).argsort().flatten()]
instead of using
targets_sorted = targets[(-preds.T).argsort().flatten(),:]

thanks very much.i will try later------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "notifications"
发送时间: 2014年11月3日(星期一) 晚上9:36
收件人: "nitishsrivastava/deepnet";
抄送: "tengshaofeng";
主题: Re: [deepnet] IndexError: too many indices for array (#77)

Try this
targets_sorted = targets[(-preds.T).argsort().flatten()]
instead of using
targets_sorted = targets[(-preds.T).argsort().flatten(),:]

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It worked for me as well. Thank you!

It works for me. Thank you!