nitishsrivastava / deepnet

Implementation of some deep learning algorithms.

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ConCurrent copy and kernel execution:no with 0 copy engines, ECC support Disabled

tengshaofeng opened this issue · comments


my RAM is 1G and gpu memory is 256M in my computer ,CUDA5.5

when i execute ./deviceQury, some information is like the issue tittle.

when i run the deepnet example of ff,when comes to train-step 499, problem appears like this:
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/deepnet/", line 65, in GetLoss
perf.correct_preds = temp.sum()
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/cudamat/", line720, in sum
return vdot(self,CUDAMatrix.ones.slice(0,self.shape[0]*self.shape[1]))
File "/home/tbq/Downloads/deepnet-master/cudamat/", line1650 in vdot
raise generate_exception(err_code.value)
cudamat.cudamat.CUDAMatException: CUBLAS error.

then i want to know if the problem is related to the information of "no with 0 copy engines, ECC support Disabled"