nitin42 / react-perf-devtool

A browser developer tool extension to inspect performance of React components.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Extension not working in SSR

gruler05 opened this issue · comments

I was trying to make the extension work for SSR also saw the other issue #8. Wondering why it won't work on the Server Side Rendering? Isn't this the object __REACT_PERF_DEVTOOL_GLOBAL_STORE__ which you need to render the extension? Also when i log out the measures it logs out all the info about the components correctly. It works out of the blue sometimes and when i try to run it again, it gives me the error message again.

Hmm... that's strange. I'll look into this issue sometime later next week!

Hey, try this new beta release of observer hook

yarn add react-perf-devtool@3.1.8-beta.2

then configure a timeout value like this

registerObserver({ timeout: 4000 // or some other value })

Timeout value defers the initialisation process of the extension. It makes sure that the extension will load only after the app has loaded successfully!

cool, I will check. Thanks !

Released a new version that may be useful.

Closing this issue since I don't know how we can make this tool work with SSR.