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a .NET library that can read/write Office formats without Microsoft Office installed. No COM+, no interop.

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XSSFRichTextString.ApplyFont() works incorrectly

SergiyStoyan opened this issue · comments

NPOI Version


File Type

  • XLSX

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It happens for any xlsx file.

Reproduce Steps

Run the following code:

 using (var xls = new XSSFWorkbook())
    ISheet sheet = xls.CreateSheet("test");

    var f1 = xls.CreateFont();
    f1.FontName = "Arial";
    f1.FontHeight = 18 * 20;
    f1.IsBold = false;
    f1.Color = IndexedColors.Red.Index;

    var f2 = xls.CreateFont();
    f2.FontName = "Arial";
    f2.FontHeight = 18 * 20;
    f2.IsBold = true;
    f2.Color = IndexedColors.Blue.Index;

    XSSFRichTextString s = new XSSFRichTextString("0123");
    s.ApplyFont(0, 2, f1);
    s.ApplyFont(2, 4, f2);

    var c = sheet.CreateRow(1).CreateCell(1);

    using (var fileData = new FileStream(@"c:\test3.xlsx", FileMode.Create))
        xls.Write(fileData, true);

Issue Description

As follows from the code the cell string must be of the same font size and the substring [0-1] must be red. It is not the case.
The actual cell string appears:

It seems that the first font is not set at all and the default one is used.
BTW to work this around I had to use Append() which works as expected. But as my code works for both XSSF and HSSF, it would be nice to make XSSFRichTextString satisfy its interface requirements.