niranjchandrasekaran / JUMP-Target

Lists and 384-well plate maps of compounds and genetic perturbations designed to assess connectivity in profiling assays

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The JUMP-Target set of perturbations comprises three lists of perturbations

  1. JUMP-Target-Compound – a list of compounds with diverse targets.
  2. JUMP-Target-ORF – a list of ORF sequences corresponding to genes that are targets of compounds from JUMP-Target-Compound.
  3. JUMP-Target-CRISPR – a list of sgRNA sequences corresponding to genes that are targets of compounds from JUMP-Target-Compound.

Both JUMP-Target-ORF and JUMP-Target-CRISPR have sgRNAs and ORFs corresponding to a set of 160 genes, each of which are targets of compounds in JUMP-Target-Compound. JUMP-Target-ORF has perturbations for an additional set of 15 genes that serve as negative controls (below).

Each of the 3 lists fit on a single 384-well plate; the suggested plate layouts are provided (below).

The target annotations were obtained from

This resource was created through the JUMP-Cell Painting Consortium.

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


There are 306 compounds in total, of which 46 are included as controls serving different goals

  1. poscon_orf: compounds that correlate strongly with (overexpressed) genes in previous Cell Painting experiments. There are 6 such compounds, and their corresponding genes are included in JUMP-Target-ORF and JUMP-Target-CRISPR
  2. poscon_cp: compounds with a strong association with the genes that they target, according to There are 26 such compounds, and their corresponding genes are included in JUMP-Target-ORF and JUMP-Target-CRISPR.
  3. poscon_diverse: pairs of compounds that are strongly correlated to each other, and weakly correlated to other poscon_diverse pairs, in previous Cell Painting experiments. There are 7 such pairs, so 14 compounds in total.
  4. negcon: DMSO is the negative control.

The recommended concentration for these compounds is 5 uM.

There are

  • n=2 replicate wells for each of 14 poscon_diverse compounds
  • n=64 DMSO wells
  • n=1 well for the remaining compounds



Column Description
InChIKey International Chemical Identifier
pert_iname Compound name
pubchem_cid PubChem ID e.g. 72716071
target Gene target
pert_type Perturbation type – trt: treatment, control: one of the 3 controls
control_type Control type – poscon_orf, poscon_cp, or poscon_diverse
smiles Simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) string


Column Description
well_position Well position
broad_sample Compound ID in Broad Institute's compound management database
solvent Solvent (always DMSO)

Broad internal notes

  • 306 compounds
  • Compound Request Number: CR-12417 - placed by Niranj Chandrasekaran - $10,404
  • 5 milliMolar 13.75 uL total volume (5 uL dead volume)


There are 335 sgRNAs (corresponding to 175 genes) in total, of which 88 sgRNAs are included as controls serving different goals

  1. poscon_orf: the corresponding genes targets of the poscon_orf compounds. Total: 3 genes x 2 sgRNAs per gene (except for one gene which has a single sgRNA) = 5 sgRNAs.
  2. poscon_cp: the corresponding genes targets of the poscon_cp compounds. Total: 13 genes x 2 sgRNAs per gene (except for one gene which has a single sgRNA) = 25 sgRNAs.
  3. poscon_diverse: the corresponding genes targets of the poscon_diverse compounds. Total: 14 genes x 2 sgRNAs per gene = 28 sgRNAs.
  4. negcon: 30 unique sgRNAs that serve as negative controls because they are either non-targeting (NO_SITE) or target intergenic region (ONE_INTERGENIC_SITE). negcon sgRNAs have an additional annotation e.g. NO_SITE (5 zeros). The number of zeros indicates how deep into the "threat matrix" a particular sgRNA makes it before a single match is found. An sgRNA negcon with higher number of zeros is less likely to have off-target effects and therefore may be a better negative control.

There are

  • n=2 replicate wells for each of negcons, as well as for 1 poscon_cp sgRNA, 1 poscon_orf sgRNA, and 13 other sgRNAs
  • n=1 well for each remaining sgRNAs
  • n=4 empty wells



Column Description
broad_sample sgRNA id in Broad Institute's Genetic Perturbation Platform database
gene Gene targeted by the sgRNA
pert_type Perturbation type – trt: treatment, control: one of the 4 controls
control_type Control type – negcon, poscon_orf, poscon_cp, or poscon_diverse
target_sequence sgRNA sequence
negcon_control_type Negative control type – NO_SITE or ONE_INTERGENIC_SITE


Column Description
well_position Well position
broad_sample sgRNA id in Broad Institute's Genetic Perturbation Platform database


There are 175 ORFs (corresponding to 175 genes) in total, of which 45 ORFs (corresponding to 45 genes) are included as controls serving different goals

All genes have a single corresponding ORF

  1. poscon_orf: the corresponding genes targets of the poscon_orf compounds. Total: 3 genes.
  2. poscon_cp: the corresponding genes targets of the poscon_cp compounds. Total: 13 genes.
  3. poscon_diverse: the corresponding genes targets of the poscon_diverse compounds. Total: 14 genes.
  4. negcon: genes that have had weak signatures in previous Cell Painting overexpression experiments. Total: 15 genes.

There are

  • n=2 replicate wells for each of the 30 poscons
  • n=4 replicate wells for each of the 15 negcons
  • n=1 well for each remaining sgRNAs
  • n=4 empty wells



Column Description
broad_sample ORF id in Broad Institute's Genetic Perturbation Platform database
gene Gene overexpressed by the ORF
pert_type Perturbation type – trt: treatment, control: one of the 4 controls
control_type Control type – negcon, poscon_orf, poscon_cp, or poscon_diverse


Column Description
well_position Well position
broad_sample ORF id in Broad Institute's Genetic Perturbation Platform database


Lists and 384-well plate maps of compounds and genetic perturbations designed to assess connectivity in profiling assays

License:MIT License