ninxsoft / Mist

A Mac utility that automatically downloads macOS Firmwares / Installers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Download multiple Images

dschiller opened this issue · comments

💡 Description

as i am working as a qa engineer i need to download multiple OSes. it would be beneficial to be able to checkbox select multiple OSes and download them at ones.

✅ Proposed solution

i would like to see a checkbox next to each OS in order to download multiple files at once.

🩹 Alternatives Solutions + Workarounds

a workaround is to wait for each doenload and then load them in a sequence manually.

ℹ️ Additional context

  • Would you also like to see this implemented in mist-cli? ✅ / ❌
  • Links to 3rd-party tools / references / documentation
  • Screenshots / diagrams that help explain the feature request

@dschiller have you looked at mist-cli as an option? mist-cli was written with a semi-goal of being able to be scripted / automated. You could in theory:

  1. Run mist list <subcommand> to retrieve a list of Firmwares / Installers
  2. Iterate through that list and mist download <subcommand> each individual Firmware / Installer

Thank you a lot Nindi, i was not aware of mist-cli - should have read the "Additional context" section better.