ninthwalker / saverr

Download and save media from Plex Servers

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Download grayed out

amaurynieto opened this issue · comments

Hiya, have an issue whereby I generate a token, can list the content but when it comes to downloading, the option is grayed out. I've tried dozens of files, all grayed out.

I'm not able to reproduce this under normal circumstances.
The download button gets greyed out so as not to allow clicking it multiple times or if no download result is available.

Once you select a result, it should become 'ungrey'.
then when it starts downloading it will grey out again until the download is finished/cancelled.

Does this only happen on the movies for you, or tv too?
I'm assuming you already tried to close the app, then restart it. It could be possible it thinks a download is still in progress so keeps it greyed out.

You could try a restart of your computer, then a fresh open of the Saverr app and see if it happens right then as well. Let me know. I'll keep this Issue open for a while to see if I can help more.

Also, I've added a couple other bug fixes and enhancements in the latest version. If you want to d/l that new script and try it out as well.

Thanks so much for following up. Nope, not with the commit from two days ago either. Just tried it. I made a video, also a fresh restart of the computer. let me see if I can post it here (the video)
Saverr 2020-04-13
I had to zip it because it was not uploading the mp4. its 300kb (no sound, just XBOX Game Bar Recording of screen)

The capture didnt show the settings (because I didnt set the xbox game bar to capture the entire screen), but i do have a token and its working fine to search and look at the content I have, but downloading is still greyed out.

Is there a log somewhere I can send you? i dont really see it even though I have debugging on.

I get a log when I use my personal plex server running on a pi4 - but not when I log on to the remote server im trying to download from (and have access to and can search for titles and stream from Plex on any device)

Here's a vid i made as well.
Shows it working, shows the part of the code that is doing the check there (for movies in this case).
I also show the command to run to test if the logic is working correctly, and if not, the 2 lines to comment out and try again.

Spend a minute running through it, and let me know your results. Thanks!

Oh, also if the Get-Bitstransfer cmd shows nothing, run this below command as well to show me what powershell version you are on. Might help.


Hi again. I ran the Get-Bitstransfer command. I got this output.

PS C:\Users\End User\Desktop\saverr-master (2)\saverr-master> Get-BitsTransfer

JobId DisplayName

7b8a267d-9279-432c-8fd7-44fa76c6312d C:\Users\ENDUSE1\AppData\Local\Temp{B6E833A6-7A2E-49BA-ACE5-F2C0C34EABB9}-gsync64.msi
56485310-e9f0-47ae-84e2-ca0884e032af C:\Users\ENDUSE

`> $psversiontable

Name Value

PSVersion 5.1.18362.628
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.18362.628
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3

I commented out the if bit, and it worked! Probably have other bittransfers ongoing? of what? I dont use anything that im aware of...

Another question now that we're here. Is there a way to list out the contents themselves, say the entire list so one can select which content one wants to download and just leave it doing so overnight, you think?

Thanks, great work here.

Nope, new issue. download paused because of active Game Mode...something.

So it looks like there is most likely an old stuck bits-transfer job on your computer causing issues.
Either its old, or it keeps starting up and trying to download. From your get-Bitstransfer command it looks like your nvidia gsync is trying to update but not completing.

Run powershell as admin. Do a get-bitstransfer again to verify it still shows a job.
Then type
Get-BitsTransfer | Remove-BitsTransfer
That should remove all jobs. Then open up Saverr again and try.
You can also turn on the debugging option in settings, and close/reopen the app.
That will create a 'saverrLog.txt' file in the same directory as the script. And would show the full error message instead of the truncated one in the GUI.

oh, maybe the game mode is this. Try disabling temporarily and see if that helps:

Great. Thank you very much!