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FOFA rule returns null

V0lundr opened this issue · comments

Hello, I'm testing a FOFA query and it always returns "null" even though the result on FOFA returns hits.

Here is the rule that I'm using:

id: 575fdb13-c04f-48d2-80a8-c1587e1456a8
title: FOFA test
description: FOFA test
- FOFATest
author: FOFATest
created_on: '2023-12-31'
- analyzer: fofa
  query: ip=""
- emitter: database
- emitter: slack
- enricher: whois
- enricher: mmdb
- enricher: shodan
- enricher: google_public_dns
- hash
- ip
- domain
- url
- mail
falsepositives: []


mihari search -f 575fdb13-c04f-48d2-80a8-c1587e1456a8 -d

Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)

I guess you already have in under the same rule.
You can check it by mihari artifact list " AND data:
If the command outputs something, my hypothesis is right.

Thanks for your quick reply. Actually the rule was new, as I was testing FOFA queries for the first time. In any case, the command you suggested produced the following:

mihari artifact list " AND data:"
  "total": 0,
  "currentPage": 1,
  "pageSize": 10,
  "results": [


I'm unable to reproduce the issue unfortunately.

$ mihari search 575fdb13-c04f-48d2-80a8-c1587e1456a8                                                                                                                  
  "id": 4,
  "ruleId": "575fdb13-c04f-48d2-80a8-c1587e1456a8",
  "createdAt": "2024-01-03 15:09:41 UTC",
  "artifacts": [
      "id": 4,
      "data": "",
      "dataType": "ip",
      "source": "fofa",
      "query": "ip=\"\"",
      "metadata": null,
      "createdAt": "2024-01-03 15:09:41 UTC"
  "tags": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "FOFATest"

No worries. I redeployed the system from scratch and tested it. I get the same null value for FOFA.

When I use the same query for censys in the same rule, it works fine. So, there's deff something wrong with FOFA on my side.

Here is the summary:
FOFA query: server=="web.go" && asn="44477" -> returns null + no results
Censys query: services:(services.http.response.headers.Server:web.go) and (autonomous_system.description="STARK-INDUSTRIES")

Overall rule:

id: 575fdb13-c04f-48d2-80a8-c1587e1456a8
title:  web.go
description: web.go
- web
author: web
created_on: '2023-12-31'
- analyzer: fofa
  query: server=="web.go" && asn="44477"
- analyzer: censys
  query: services:(services.http.response.headers.Server:web.go) and (autonomous_system.description="STARK-INDUSTRIES")
- emitter: database
- emitter: slack
- emitter: misp
- enricher: whois
- enricher: mmdb
- enricher: shodan
- enricher: google_public_dns
- hash
- ip
- domain
- url
- mail
falsepositives: []

If you've exhausted all ideas regarding what the issue might be, please feel free to close the issue. And thanks a lot.