nine7nine / Linux-NSPA-pkgbuild

Linux-NSPA packages for Archlinux

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Issues with PKGBUILDing kernel. (auto-optimization and patching brs.c)

sirjohndfox opened this issue · comments

I've just started trying to build your stuff on a fresh manjaro install. I'm a longtime debian user, so I'm slowly feeling my way around pacman etc. I managed to compile your wine repository no worries from the script. I'm now working on the kernel.

Doing makepkg -i I've hit two snags.


`Setting config...



/home/john/Linux-NSPA-pkgbuild/linux-nspa/PKGBUILD: line 207: /home/john/Linux-NSPA-pkgbuild/linux-nspa/configure: No such file or directory
But i I run makepkg -i a second time I hit:

patching file arch/x86/events/amd/brs.c Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch. 2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file arch/x86/events/amd/brs.c.rej patching file arch/x86/events/amd/core.c ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare(). Aborting...
If you have some time to help me sort this out, that would be great.

I need to learn more about kernel building on arch - probably no need for an issue here, sorry!

Hey there,

do you have the base-devel package installed?

also, you can't run makepkg again without first deleting the /src folder ~ makepkg will try to patch the kernel sources again, which is the error you are seeing above. Everytime you want to run makepkg, delete the /src and /pkg folders...


Not sure if you have tried to build this kernel again: but you shouldn't have any issue building it now. I changed some of the build options around and streamlined things. you still need to replace my config - but the issues you hit before shouldn't crop up.

just an fyi.