Custom namespace prefix
tomcyr opened this issue · comments
Standard use case generate in SOAP response prefix "ns2" for my namespace. Is it possible to generate custom namespace prefix with this plugin ??
I am not sure that I understand your question. Do you want the plugin to generate code into a specific package for a certain namespace? This plugin basically uses the apache wsdl-to-java plugin, so the options on apaches website are available to you:
No, the problem is how can I customize response prefix for namespace. Currently my example response looks like:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<ns2:alarmCloseByIncidentIDResponse xmlns:ns2="">
I want to change
<ns2:alarmCloseByIncidentIDResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<abc:alarmCloseByIncidentIDResponse xmlns:abc="">
so my response will be wrapped into:
Can I relay any options for xsd2java ??
This plugin generates java from your xsd and wsdl, it will not help you on your xsd-transformations.