nilqed / sixelSPAD

FriCAS sixel graphics output (TeX, GnuDraw)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

>>>> See 

-- in progess ...

-- Output thumbnails of )read test_draw
-- in folder src/

For a black background add to ~/.gnuplot :

set term sixel
# change a color of border.
set border lw 1 lc rgb "yellow"
set linetype 8 lc rgb "white"
set linetype cycle 8

# change text colors of  tics
set xtics textcolor rgb "white"
set ytics textcolor rgb "white"

# change text colors of labels
set xlabel "X" textcolor rgb "white"
set ylabel "Y" textcolor rgb "white"

# change a text color of key
set key textcolor rgb "white"


FriCAS sixel graphics output (TeX, GnuDraw)


Language:Shell 100.0%