nikrp / Java-School

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This is a collection of my friend and I's Java work from our 7th period Java elective.

Project Tree

│   ├───directories
│   │   ├───WorksheetEightDir
│   │   ├───WorksheetFiveDir
│   │   ├───WorksheetFourDir
│   │   ├───WorksheetOneDir
│   │   ├───WorksheetSevenDir
│   │   ├───WorksheetSixDir
│   │   ├───WorksheetThreeDir
│   │   └───WorksheetTwoDir
│   └───projects
    │   ├───WorksheetEightDir
    │   ├───WorksheetFiveDir
    │   ├───WorksheetFourDir
    │   ├───WorksheetOneDir
    │   ├───WorksheetSevenDir
    │   ├───WorksheetSixDir
    │   ├───WorksheetThreeDir
    │   └───WorksheetTwoDir

Java-School is the main folder and these are the subfolders inside:

  • .vscode
    • Contains settings.json for VSCode/Cursor to work with java.
    • Output directories and more.
    • Specified through "java.project.sourcePaths": ["src"], "java.project.outputPath": "bin", and "java.project.referencedLibraries": ["lib/**/*.jar"]
  • bin
    • The output folder for all the source files.
    • Contains the .class files.
  • src
    • All of the .java files go into this folder.
    • This is technically the main folder of the project.
    • Others are still important as they are output files and other paths Java needs.
    • /directories is for all my worksheets that I do. This is called from src/
    • /projects is for all my final unit projects. This is called from src/


Different components from Java are used in these projects but the most significant in the Scanner class.

The Scanner class is imported from the java.util class. We use it as something to pick projects and directories to choose from. The user enters a number of the directory they want (Worksheet 1, Worksheet 2, Worksheet 3, etc.) and then enters the project number (usually 1-3). Here is an example of that usage in the console.

Enter the directory number and 0 to terminate: 1

Your are in "Worksheet One: Printing"
Enter a project number: 1

         "Nikhil Pellakru"
Enter a project number: 2
John    82
Paul    91
George  98
Ringo   79
Enter a project number: 3






       * * * * * * * *
Enter a project number: 0
Enter the directory number and 0 to terminate: 0

Entering 0 in the project and directory selection means exiting. Some of the projects actually need Scanner for the project so some other inputs might appear. Blank lines are usually not a mistake. It's part of the assignment.




Language:Java 100.0%