nikic / PHP-Parser

A PHP parser written in PHP

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Parse arbitrary expressions

sergio-fferreira opened this issue · comments

Hello, let's assume I want to construct a variable named "myName" with an arbitrary expression in the right side ($myName = {expr}). The expression is only known at runtime.

Is there any function similar to parseExpr(string $expr) that receives a string of raw code, for example "1 + func(2)" and returns the node structure associated with it? As far as I know, the regular parse() needs at least complete statements to work.

In this way, it could be possible to use:

$expr = '1 + func(2)';
return new Stmt\Expression(new Expr\Assign($varName, parseExpr($expr)));

Alternatively, would it be possible to build a custom node that represents raw code, which would be printed directly using PrettyPrinter?

Thank you in advance!

The way to do this would be to create the string <?php {expr};, call parse() and then take $stmts[0]->expr.

Thank you! Indeed, it does work for expressions.

Maybe slightly offtopic, but in my project I have to receive excerpts of code at runtime, to replace a given node. They can be expressions or not.

Is there any way to simply replace a Node with raw code? Maybe creating a custom Node that stores the code and extending the PrettyPrint class?

Again, thank you for your support!

Is there any way to simply replace a Node with raw code? Maybe creating a custom Node that stores the code and extending the PrettyPrint class?

Doing what you said should work.

Thank you!