nikhilnayyar2 / react-min

Of course this project is small compared to create-react-app since it does not include lot of concepts and publishing stuff. But it shows how can we setup and add config to bundle a react app! And its minimalistic.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


version supported node version



  • git clone
  • npm ci

Create files

  • create src/index.js.

    import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
    function App() {
      return "Hello WORLD";
    createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render(<App />);
  • create public/index.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="root"></div>

    Example branch: react-min-src. This repo also has all the optional features enabled.


Commands Inf
start dev mode.
build generate build files.
wm run wm-script.js script with arguments.
speed-measure-dev measure speed in dev mode.
commit run commitizen. creates standard commit.
release run standard-version. creates standard release.
prettier format files in src and public

Optional Features

Enable/Disable optional features in the project. The feature setup is already added in the project but to enable/disable them you have to run commands. The commands actually install packages and set private variables in wm-config.js to keep track of features.


  • enable:
    npm run wm -- enable-feat-typescript
    Replace index.js with index.tsx (filename's are defined in wm-config.js).
  • disable:
    npm run wm -- disable-feat-typescript
    Replace index.tsx with index.js (filename's are defined in wm-config.js).


Adds sass

  • enable:
    npm run wm -- enable-feat-sass
  • disable:
    npm run wm -- disable-feat-sass

Enable or Disable multiple features in single command

npm run wm -- enable-feat-typescript enable-feat-sass
npm run wm -- disable-feat-typescript disable-feat-sass

Update all features

This command update every feature dependencies.

npm run wm -- update-feat-all

Updating the setup

You should generally update the setup after every release.

If you have made changes to any root files like wm-config.js, etc. that is you made custom changes. Then run the following command to review changes before overwriting your changes:

git fetch && git merge origin/master --no-ff --no-commit

Otherwise if you have not changed any of root files:

git pull origin master

Install the dependencies:

npm i

If you have installed any optional features then run update command as well.

Also you should avoid pulling package-lock.json if your dependencies in package.json are not exact as of react-min/master. Instead maintain your own package-lock.json. Packages differ when you enable optional features that may install its own packages or user might install its own custom packages.
To remove package-lock.json from merge conflict use:

git checkout head -- package-lock.json


  • add env variables (in use in app only). Example:

    • add HELLO = WORLD in file say .env
    • Then in wm-config.js. Add "HELLO" for it to be available in your App.
      const wmConfig = {
          environmentVariablesInApp: ["HELLO"]
      In your App

      env variables starting with REACT_MIN_ are automatically added.

  • add svg as component: Append ?react after file path in import statement in order for this to work.

    import MySvg from "@assets/react.svg?react";
    import mySvg from "@assets/react.svg";
    function App() {
      return (
          <MySvg width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 3500 3500" />
          <img src={mySvg} width="200" height="200" />

    Second svg is not imported as component but will be resolved as string by webpack.

  • import other files:

    import sampleImg from "@assets/sample.jpeg";
    import sampleJson from "@assets/sample.json"; // { "hello" : "world" }
    import helloTxt from "@assets/hello.txt";
    function App() {
      return (
          <img src={sampleImg} width="200" height="200" />
  • Directly edit webpack config as you like (wm-*.js, webpack.*.js files)

  • edit standard commit types in .czrc file. This file is used by commitizen.

  • edit .versionrc.js file used by standard-version.

  • edit babel setup in wm-config.js (browserslist, wmConfig.babel)

  • edit eslint (.eslintrc.js)

  • edit prettier (.prettierrc.json)

  • update typescript (tsconfig.json). add custom modules types in index.d.ts file.

  • publicPath can be changed in wm-config.js. publicPath is similar to homepage field in CRA.

  • publicPath can be included in index.html and in code. See.

    // index.html
     <link rel="icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" />
    // code
  • typescript is enabled in IDE's and reports type errors when a file is opened. But one can also enable build tools like webpack to report typescript errors. Configeration is in wm-config.js:

      typescriptErrorCheckInDev: false,
      typescriptErrorCheckInProd: true,

Commit Guidelines

This repo use commitizen & standard-version for generating releases, tags & changelogs.

Commit types

  • ✨ Features (minor)(public): when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner
  • ⚡️ Performance (patch)(public): internal performance improvements
  • 🛠️ Bug Fixes (patch)(public): when you make backwards compatible bug fixes like internal dependency updates "fix(deps)", important document corrections "fix(docs)" etc
  • 📝 Docs (public): project documentation updates. Use "docs(X.X.X)" for doc update related to a version.
  • 📝 Important Docs change (patch)(public): same as Docs but will also increment the patch.
  • ⛏️ Chore (private): Code Styling, Refactor, changes that are categorised as other and does not bring any version update.
  • ☑️ Tests (private): add code to test your code

Important Links

Important Notes

  • process.env is initialized with custom environment variables only in file wm-config.js since it imports dotenv-flow which loads variables in .env.* files and also add some special variables to process.env.



Typescript Feature

Sass Feature


Of course this project is small compared to create-react-app since it does not include lot of concepts and publishing stuff. But it shows how can we setup and add config to bundle a react app! And its minimalistic.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%