nihui / rife-ncnn-vulkan

RIFE, Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation implemented with ncnn library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

v4.12 coming?

noobtoob4lyfe opened this issue · comments

Would also love to see a v4.12 model as well. Anyone know if this is coming or is this project no longer active?

I recompiled a linux and windows build, supporting the models converted by styler00dollar. If you want a download:

Fantastic! Thanks!


I recompiled a linux and windows build, supporting the models converted by styler00dollar. If you want a download:

should contact with nihui

I recompiled a linux and windows build, supporting the models converted by styler00dollar. If you want a download:

should contact with nihui

Nihui uses a different model conversion method, so these models most likely wouldn't be accepted into this repo. It's also why I had to recompile it.