nihui / rife-ncnn-vulkan

RIFE, Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation implemented with ncnn library

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Request ensemble mode support for rife-4.6. / operation problem '-n' and '-s'.

Noir16 opened this issue · comments

Can't I just specify ensemble True, Fast False like vapoursynth extension in #50?
This can be useful when you prioritize quality over speed.

I tried to directly put the ensemble mode model included in the vapoursynth extension, but an error layer MemoryData not exists or registered occurred.

Also, -n doesn't do frame interpolation, it only seems to increase the number of frames, and -s doesn't work properly.
Same issue: #45


try -z option
or even -x -z if quality is preferred

temporal tta is aka ensemble

Currently, to take advantage of -n values, interpolation was possible using an integer of [number of original frames]x[multiplier value].
ex) 30frames x 8 = 240frames = -n 240

However, there is no interpolation between the first frame and the last frame, since they do not refer to each other.
(In videos, interpolation between the first frame and the last frame is unnecessary, but it is necessary when making animations such as gif and webp.)

Can you solve this?

However, there is no interpolation between the first frame and the last frame, since they do not refer to each other.

As a stopgap, could you append a copy of the first frame to the end of the video before interpolating it?


As a stopgap, could you append a copy of the first frame to the end of the video before interpolating it?

Yes, can it.
You can interpolate repeated images by input to the last frame name as 0 and the first frame name as 1 and giving appropriate values.

  1. For example, if the number of frames is 30 and multiplied by x4, rife-ncnn-vulkan -i [input a folder] -n 120 -m rife-v4.6 -o [output a folder] n= 120=30x4

  2. rife-ncnn-vulkan -i [A folder included files to last frame name as 0 and the first frame name as 1] -n 8 -m rife-v4.6 -o [output a folder] n= x2=4, x4=8, x8=16...

  3. If there are 8 files in the folder corresponding to 2, delete the files starting from 5~, and remove the first file to replace files 118, 119, and 120 in the folder corresponding to 1.

  4. Use an image2 video software like FFmpeg.

  5. Done.


Issue WIPed.