nihui / rife-ncnn-vulkan

RIFE, Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation implemented with ncnn library

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set up rife-ncnn-vulkan on google colab

mikebilly opened this issue · comments

It would be awesome if anyone could build on google colab for me! Because I've been getting this error:

/content/rife-ncnn-vulkan-20220330-ubuntu/rife-ncnn-vulkan: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


!apt install libvulkan1

go to the place you want to install it either just in colab /content or your gdrive and run these
!apt-get install libvulkan-dev
!git clone
%cd rife-ncnn-vulkan
!git submodule update --init --recursive
!apt update
!apt install -y cmake
!pip install dlib
!mkdir build
%cd build
!cmake ../src
!cmake --build . -j 4
((move rife-v2.3 from models folder to build folder))
!/content/drive/MyDrive/AI/rife-ncnn-vulkan/build/rife-ncnn-vulkan -0 /content/image1.png -1 /content/image2.png -o /content/output.png

if you do it in your gdrive, then all you need to run in a fresh runtime is this

!apt-get install libvulkan-dev
!chmod 755 /content/drive/MyDrive/AI/rife-ncnn-vulkan/build/rife-ncnn-vulkan
!/content/drive/MyDrive/AI/rife-ncnn-vulkan/build/rife-ncnn-vulkan -0 /content/image1.png -1 /content/image2.png -o /content/output.png