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Issue with 2/Application Deployment 2/Use Kubernetes Primitives

Rasputin2 opened this issue · comments

Hello: Love the course. Question, however. I am in 2/Application Deployment and 2/Use Kubernetes Primitives. I tried the commands for Task 1 shown in the answers, and this is a description of the service (see below). But when I try curl http://localhost: I get connection refused. I tried http and https. I also tried including the whole ip address and not just the node port. Am I missing something? Am I supposed to create a shell INTO the pod or something before I run the curl?

Name: nginx-svc
Namespace: ckad
Labels: app=nginx-deploy
Selector: app=nginx-deploy
Type: NodePort
IP Family Policy: SingleStack
IP Families: IPv4
Port: 9000/TCP
TargetPort: 80/TCP
NodePort: 32543/TCP
Endpoints:,, + 1 more...
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster

Is it obvious what I am doing wrong?

Same for me ! As it is a NodePort service type the service is not accessible from the outside (I guess).
After changing it to LoadBalancer it worked !

kubectl expose deploy nginx-deploy --port=9000 --target-port=80 --type=LoadBalancer --name=nginx-svc


curl localhost:9000 and you should see the HTML