niedev / RTranslator

Open source real-time translation app for Android that runs locally

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tts initialization failed

khimaros opened this issue · comments

this is on CalyxOS with eSpeak as the configured TTS engine. let me know if i can provide any other information

I have same issue on LineageOS 21 with RHvoice installed and set up properly. Other apps can use RHvoice properly.

Same issue on GrapheneOS, Pixel 6a

@zanovis which tts engine is giving you problems?

I will investigate the compatibility with all the TTS cited here.

Same for me on GrapheneOS with installed google TTS from play store.

@basings go to the RTranslator settings -> Text to speech and click on it, if the preferred engine is not the Google one, select it, if it is Google's TTS try to reinstall it, I had the same issue in the past and reinstall solved the problem, let me know if it works.

@niedev unfoortunately no success after reinstalling. I can't get into the settings. Right after model download it errors.


Right 😅, I definitely need to move the error reporting to WalkieTalkie and Conversation modes only and make some adjustments.
For now you can access the setting directly from the settings of the phone (the setting in my app is just a link to that setting), to find the tts settings try to search "Text-to-speech" (in my phone is in Accessibility, but the location can vary, so the search is better), from there you can choose Google TTS as TTS Engine.

Unfortunately no success either

Ok, so maybe it's a compatibility issue with that Custom ROM.

These days I'll manage the error better so that it doesn't block the rest of the use of the app, and then I'll try to solve the compatibility issues too (that will take more time), I'll update you here as soon as I have news.

thank you! @niedev personally i would be fine using it with TTS disabled. my use case is to follow continuously a conversation in another language . text only is sufficient.

same error on Xiaomi13

same error on GrapheneOS. Can't use the app. Looking forward to use this app!

I'm working right now on handling the error better so that you can at least use the app (even if without TTS), an update should be out today.

I'm working right now on handling the error better so that you can at least use the app (even if without TTS), an update should be out today.

Great! Also: please add a btc/crypto donation address. Love to donate if you keep supporting GrapheneOS and other altenative OS without or limited Google services.

The update has been released 🚀, now the app should work without TTS, just click on "continue" when you display the error on the initial loading, let me know if it works properly now.

Great! Also: please add a btc/crypto donation address. Love to donate if you keep supporting GrapheneOS and other altenative OS without or limited Google services.

Thank you for wanting to help! I don't have a crypto wallet so for now I'll just leave PayPal, but I don't rule it out for the future.

it is working beautifully now. thank you!

Also works great ! offline without any connection. Love it! and many thanks. Will surely donate !

There was an error with the tts initialization, do you want to continue without tts?

First, "There was an error with the tts initialization, do you want to continue without tts?"
click "continue"
then show that "There was an error loading the files of the models for translation and speech recognition, try restarting thle app, if the problem persists then reset it."
So I can't start it.

Sometimes there can be errors with the download of files (in the future I will improve the detection and management of these errors), for now the only way to resolve is to uninstall and reinstall the application, and make sure to keep the phone with the screen turned on and with RTranslator open during the download (the download also works in the background, but doing so minimizes the possibility of errors).

Or APP can set a local directory option and download these offline voice packages in advance, which can eliminate network factors.

Or APP can set a local directory option and download these offline voice packages in advance, which can eliminate network factors.

Someone already suggested it here, I added it to the list of things to do.

please provide download address of google tts engine or download link in the google store, because what i have found is "Speech Recognition and Synthesis from Google",but it doesn't work.

please provide download address of google tts engine or download link in the google store, because what i have found is "Speech Recognition and Synthesis from Google",but it doesn't work.

That is the correct one, have you tried to restart the app? (by restart I mean close it from recent apps) If this doesn't work can you tell me if you use a custom ROM and which one?


There is a new release that should fix the TTS issues! 😁 Let me know if it works correctly.

There is a new release that should fix the TTS issues! 😁 Let me know if it works correctly.

For me It fixed issue :)


problem too even with new release on reno oppo 11 ( android 14 )


@shafiev could you tell me what the problem is exactly? And with which TTS?


@niedev i cannot start application at all
permamently give this error at start

There was an error loading the files
of the models for translation and
speech recognition, try restarting
the app, if the problem persists then
reset it.


Ok @shafiev, this error is not due to TTS but it happens when there was an error with the initial download, I'm working on it at the moment, but for now the only solution is to reinstall the app and re-download keeping the app always open in the foreground.


Unfortunately this solution doesn't work on my phone ( @niedev


I'm sorry @shafiev, anyway today or tomorrow the update that will improve the download should be released, I'll let you know as soon as it comes out.


@shafiev the update that improves the download is out! If you install it now it should give you the option to fix the problem by re-downloading only the corrupted files. Let me know how it works.


Now works,thank you @niedev
Some offtop question is there possible to add another languages like in this model ?


Now works,thank you @niedev Some offtop question is there possible to add another languages like in this model ?

In the future I will separate the languages supported by Whisper and the ones supported by NLLB, so for the text translation mode a lot more languages will be added.