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Cannot show East Asian Characters like Chinese, Japanese and Korean

dtantono opened this issue · comments

Nicotine+ version: 3.3.2
Operating System/Distribution: Kubuntu

Describe the bug

when I typed East Asian characters. it just show garbled word

Expected behavior

it should shows the font properly

Steps to reproduce the bug

type east asian characters on search bar and it shows garbled words

Additional context

Screenshots, logs, stacktraces or relevant information.


Likely missing the required fonts on your system. Do other GTK apps have the same issue?

I have a qalculate GTK and they can rendered East Asian font properly. What do you think?

The issue is for Nicotine Flatpak app

in case it helps: in my image i add fonts-noto-cjk to show japanese characters.
I don't know how does it works in the flatpak...

The issue is for Nicotine Flatpak app

Did you try another install method as well to confirm that the problem doesn't exist in the ppa or deb package install method?

Yes, I checked that the PPA version works better than Flatpak one.


It could be an issue with the font cache. Could you rename /home/<user>/.var/app/org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine/cache/fontconfig to e.g. fontconfig.old, and see if that changes anything?

2024-03-21_22-52 2024-03-21_22-51 Do you mean these empty folders right? it does not worked

Sounds like a problem with the flatpak library that provides the fonts.

I use Kubuntu 22.04 LTS which is lower than that and I tried to type that command. But, the output is: