nico3333fr / jquery-accessible-carrousel-aria

jQuery Accessible Carrousel System, using ARIA

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Raise unrecognized expression error when using in single web app

jkevintu opened this issue · comments



A lot of the single web app use /#/ as there route manager and control their pages, however, right now the plugin will takes the window.location.hash as value and try to replace anchor tag #, so it will try to get hash like this #/index and transfer into this /index. this is causing the issue since the / is not removed, jquery can not select element properly and raise systax error.

vendor.js:1472 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #/index.carrousel__content
    at Function.Sizzle.error (vendor.js:1472)
    at tokenize (vendor.js:2086)


Use another way to process the hash value.