NickWaterton / dropbox_uploader

Uploads files to Dropbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Uploads files to Dropbox uses Python 3.8 minnimum


Need to install:

  • dropbox python api
  • watchdog
pip install dropbox
pip install watchdog

Uses linux signals module


Need to create a dropbox app via the Dropbox developer page


When you have an AppKey edit and edit APP_KEY = '' to add your App Key.
OR append the AppKey to the command line as follows:

Run the program ./ client -a <AppKey> which will then give instructions on how to authorize the program for Dropbox access.

The generated credentials are saved in the file config.json so you only have to perform the authorization once. Never share this file!

if you need to re-authenticate for some reason, delete config.json and re-run the program as above.


nick@Backup-Public:~/Scripts/dropbox_upload$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-f FILE_PATH] [-u UPLOAD_PATH] [-t TIMEOUT] [-c CHUNK] [-m MIN_FREE_SPACE] [-o] [-O OLDER_THAN] [-r]
                         [-l LOG] [-D] [-a APP_KEY] [--version]

Upload/Download files to/from dropbox

positional arguments:
                        action to take (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE_PATH, --file_path FILE_PATH
                        path to file to upload (default: None)
  -u UPLOAD_PATH, --upload_path UPLOAD_PATH
                        path in dropbox (default: None)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        upload timeout (seconds) (default: 100)
  -c CHUNK, --chunk CHUNK
                        chunk size in MB (default: 50)
  -m MIN_FREE_SPACE, --min_free_space MIN_FREE_SPACE
                        minnimum free space for upload when monitoring as % of total (default: 25)
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite Exisitng Files (default: False)
  -O OLDER_THAN, --older_than OLDER_THAN
                        Delete files older than x days (0=disabled) (default: 0)
  -r, --recursive       Recurse into subdirectories (default: False)
  -l LOG, --log LOG     path/name of log file (default: /home/nick/Scripts/dropbox.log)
  -D, --debug           debug mode (default: False)
  -a APP_KEY, --app_key APP_KEY
                        your APP_KEY from Dropbox (only needed for first time authentication) (default: None)
  --version             show program's version number and exit


Uploads files to Dropbox

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%