nickw444 / flask-ldap3-login

LDAP3 Logins for Flask/Flask-Login

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Unable to differentiate between broken connection and user not found

Oisins opened this issue · comments

Because the ldap_manager.authenticate('username', 'password') method only returns success or fail, the application has no way of knowing if the issue is on the network or the user entered the wrong credentials. This is because all exceptions are caught on line 440 in

       debug("Successfully bound to LDAP as '{0}' for search_bind method".format(
               self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_DN') or 'Anonymous'
   except Exception as e:  # <--- Here
       return AuthenticationResponse()

Would it be possible to reraise these exceptions or at least include them in the AuthenticationResponse object? Or am I just missing a way to get this information (except for the logs)?

I think that we shouldn't just let the underlying exception bubble out; it's cleaner to only raise "internal" exceptions defined in this project for anticipated error conditions.

I would be willing to merge a PR that adds an exception attribute to AuthenticationResponse that's set if the failure was due to an exception.

Since we've already got breaking changes lined up for 1.0, I'd also be willing to entertain a modification such that authenticate returns information about the user on success and always signals failure via an exception. In this case, the original exception would be available as the __cause__ of whatever internal exception we raise.

Note that, either way, exposing the details of what went wrong shouldn't be exposed to the user; it should basically be split into two categories: problems related to the user input that the user can potentially fix and problems unrelated to the input that the user can't do anything about but try again later.

I agree with you about no letting lower level exceptions be raised. I created a Pull Request to add the additional Attribute.