nicksnyder / go-i18n

Translate your Go program into multiple languages.

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Can we add support of Tajik (TG) language

Djutifai opened this issue · comments

Getting the no plural rule registered for tg error. Did not find Tajik language in Plural Rules gen

go-i18n depends on for language support and rules. To add support for a new language, get it added there and then go-i18n can update to the latest data.

If im not mistaken, it is already added there.
Can't this be fixed in i18n here?
On this line, for example

rule_gen.go is generated from CLDR data, not edited directly. Specifically it is generated from the data in this file: go-i18 is already using the latest released version of that data (v44) and I don’t see the tg language in the file.

For go-i18n to support the tg code, you should contribute upstream and then go-i18n can pull in the latest released data.