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Any example present how to use message format in JSON

KingWu opened this issue · comments


Hi, i feel confuse on how to use message format in Json. Any demo example?

key point:

bundle.RegisterUnmarshalFunc("json", json.Unmarshal)

example code

👆 where simpleTest

Other: custom format

default is support TOML, YAML, JSON

If the above format is not satisfied for you, you can define your Unmarshal Function

// UnmarshalFunc unmarshals data into v.
type UnmarshalFunc func(data []byte, v interface{}) error

normally v should be something like this:


I mean, suppose your contents is below


if err = unmarshalFunc(buf, &raw); err != nil {

  • buf: file contents ([]byte)
  • raw: you must let your unmarshalFunc create an item like that {interface{} | map[string]interface{}{"IDHi": Hi}

There is a TOML example here and you can just convert that file to an equivalent JSON file using a converter like to get the equivalent JSON file:

  "HelloPerson": "Hello {{.Name}}",
  "MyUnreadEmails": {
    "description": "The number of unread emails I have",
    "one": "I have {{.PluralCount}} unread email.",
    "other": "I have {{.PluralCount}} unread emails."
  "PersonUnreadEmails": {
    "description": "The number of unread emails a person has",
    "one": "{{.Name}} has {{.UnreadEmailCount}} unread email.",
    "other": "{{.Name}} has {{.UnreadEmailCount}} unread emails."

There are also a JSON example in this test:


Lines 101 to 118 in 7c6508d

func TestJSON(t *testing.T) {
bundle := NewBundle(language.English)
"simple": "simple translation",
"detail": {
"description": "detail description",
"other": "detail translation"
"everything": {
"description": "everything description",
"zero": "zero translation",
"one": "one translation",
"two": "two translation",
"few": "few translation",
"many": "many translation",
"other": "other translation"
}`), "en-US.json")