nickoneill / PermissionScope

Intelligent iOS permissions UI and unified API

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Changing formerly Denied Permission triggers 'Presenting view controllers on detached view controllers is discouraged <PermissionScope.PermissionScope: 0x7fe1120a1000>'

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I'm not quite sure how to debug this issue.

I built a singly referenced PermissionScope like so:

    static let cameraHardwareScope: PermissionScope = {
        let scope = PermissionScope()
                                  message: "For snapping photos of programs, receipts & selfies.")
                                  message: "Or maybe you've already taken the photograph.")
        return scope

And present it like so:
            { finished, results in
                guard finished else {
                self.present(viewController, animated: flag, completion: completion)
            cancelled: { results in

If a permission was formerly denied and I tap 'Show Me' to grant that permission access, upon granting (while my app is still in the background) the logger reads:

Presenting view controllers on detached view controllers is discouraged <PermissionScope.PermissionScope: 0x7fe1120a1000>.

And i'm thrown a SIGKILL on the main thread.

I noticed the PersmissionScope (View Controller) is being presented from the UIApplication's keyWindow and thus I have no control over the UIViewController doing the presentation.

How can I modify my code so that PermissionScope doesn't crash my App in the background?

As designed from Apple: #160