nickoneill / PermissionScope

Intelligent iOS permissions UI and unified API

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Swift 3 compatibility

afiq90 opened this issue · comments


Does anyone know how to fix this error when using Xcode 8 BETA? Below is the error screenshot.

Any help will be much appreciated.

You can try the code in issue #174 to get the Swift 3 syntax in the short term. We'll have an official swift 3 branch soonish.

any progress?

Check #174 which has the latest swift 3 changes

Check swift3 branch (compatible with Xcode 8 beta 6)


  • Replace UIControlState() with .normal
  • Recheck access control (open vs public). Class shouldn't be open (sub-classing makes no sense)

Just fixed both of these on the swift3 branch, as well as some other issues.

Let me know if this makes sense for a swapover:

  • push latest changes in master to swift2 again
  • tag a new 1.0.3 release/podspec for swift 2 in that branch
  • rebase swift3 on those changes
  • merge swift3 onto master
  • tag a new 1.0.4 release/podspec in master

That'll make sure people on swift 2 have the newest when using that branch.

The readme has been updated for swift 3. I might have to revisit the code samples (not the example projects, just in the readme) to make sure they're right.


What is currently needed to run a swift 3.0 migrated project with PermissionScope?

Use the swift3 branch with cocoapods or carthage @ogezue

I'm trying

pod 'PromiseKit', :git => '', :branch => 'swift3'

but getting [!] Unable to find a specification for 'PromiseKit'.

Is there something obvious that I'm doing wrong with the podfile? Great project.

@bclubb The pod name is PermissionScope, not PromiseKit

Sorry, going through my podfile and updating for swift3. Great project

Master is now swift 3 with version 1.1... I'm still fighting cocoapods to get the update pushed there

Should be done now, at version 1.1.1 after much fighting.