nickmooney / tpac-breakouts

Tool to manage TPAC plenary day breakouts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

For TPAC session organizers

The sessions/ contains one JSON file per proposed breakout, with a name matching the proposed shortname of the session. That JSON file contains the following fields (mandatory unless stated otherwise):

  • title is the title of the session
  • proposer is an object describing the session proposer, with the following fields
    • name is their name
    • login is their W3C login
    • email is their email address
  • summary is a short description of the session - HTML is permitted
  • ̀goals` is a string or an array of strings describing the goal(s) of the session
  • type is a string or an array of string describing the type of sessions (e.g. open discussion, talk, panel)
  • others is an optional array of the W3C logins of other critical parties to the session (beyond the proposer)
  • possibleSlots is an optional array of integers indicating during which timeslots the session can be scheduled (first slot is 0); if not defined, any slot is assumed to be acceptable
  • capacity is an optional string with value either of big, medium or small, describing the room size needed based on expected participation
  • track is an optional arbitrary string that can be used to indicate that several sessions share a common topic (e.g. "privacy", "media")

Only needed for W3C Staff plenary day organizers

rooms.json is an object whose keys are unique ids for rooms, and whose values are objects describing the said rooms, with the following fields

  • name is the human readable name of the room
  • floor is the floor on which the room is located
  • size is the rough capacity of the room (one of big, medium, small)
  • capacity is the number of people that can sit in the room

grid.json is an array of objects; each object describes one of the breakout timeslots, and has for keys the ids of the rooms defined in rooms.json. The value associated with a given key is the shortname of the session that will be run in the said room in the said slot.


validate-sessions.js checks that the session data is valid and consistent.

validate-grid.js checks that the proposed grid is valid and consistent.

build-sessions-page.js generates sessions.html - the list of sessions as defined by grid.json.


Tool to manage TPAC plenary day breakouts


Language:HTML 90.7%Language:JavaScript 9.3%