nicklockwood / RetroRampage

Tutorial series demonstrating how to build a retro first-person shooter from scratch in Swift

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Small Issue in Part 6

Mozahler opened this issue Β· comments

I'm absolutely loving this series! Thanks so much. πŸ™πŸ»
I stumbled through this part of the update [line 495], and just wanted to let you know.

Now, in the Monster.update() method, modify the state machine again to swap the animations:

switch monster.state {
case .idle:
    if monster.canSeePlayer(in: self) {
        state = .chasing
        animation = .monsterWalk
case .chasing:
    guard monster.canSeePlayer(in: self) else {
        state = .idle
        animation = .monsterIdle

I changed it so it would compile (leaving the velocity intact for now) :

    mutating func update(in world: World) {
        switch state {
        /// all the monster needs to do is wait until it sees the player.
        /// That means we need a method to detect if the monster can see the player
        /// since they always face the player, just check if there is a wall between them
        case .idle:
            if canSeePlayer(in: world) {
                state = .chasing
                animation = .monsterWalk
            velocity = Vector(x: 0, y: 0)
        case .chasing:
            guard canSeePlayer(in: world) else {
                state = .idle
                animation = .monsterIdle
            let direction = world.player.position - position
            velocity = direction * (speed / direction.length)

@Mozahler fixed. Thanks for flagging it πŸ‘