nicklockwood / Euclid

A Swift library for creating and manipulating 3D geometry

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Question : How to calculate transform after subtract

PrashantKT opened this issue · comments

I want to translate polygon to center ,

let's say I have Mesh 1 - with transform (rotate , scale , transalte )

Mesh2 (BOX) with transform

Now When I subtract both meshes with Following code

func subtractPolygon(_ mesh: Mesh, isCancelled: CancellationHandler = { false }) -> ([Polygon],[Polygon],[Polygon])? {
       let intersection = bounds.intersection(mesh.bounds)
       guard !intersection.isEmpty else {
           return  nil
       var aout: [Polygon]? = [], bout: [Polygon]?
       let ap = BSP(mesh, isCancelled).clip(
           boundsTest(intersection, polygons, &aout),
       let bp = BSP(self, isCancelled).clip(
           boundsTest(intersection, mesh.polygons, &bout),
       return (aout!,ap,bp)

When we create the mesh with this polygons
because the result polygon are as per the transform of the original mesh ( translated as per original mesh) the new mesh created is also at the same position

My Goal I need to transform the result that it will be always in the center

I can apply transform with mesh.transformed(by:transform) - But I don't know how to calculate the transform

For example :
Mesh 1 at POSITION 10,10,10
Mesh 2 at POSITION 10,10,10

Result : Polygon are at the same place of the original mesh (10,10,10)

I need to be in 0,0,0

Oh I am so stupid - It was just translate -Vector(node.position)