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Can you provide rigth way to set Cookie in this example

wild-man opened this issue · comments


[macro_use] extern crate nickel;

extern crate nickel_postgres;
extern crate r2d2;
extern crate r2d2_postgres;
extern crate serde;

[macro_use] extern crate serde_json;

extern crate chrono;

[macro_use] extern crate postgres;

extern crate hyper;

//use std::env;
use r2d2::{Config, Pool};
use r2d2_postgres::{PostgresConnectionManager, SslMode};
use nickel_postgres::{PostgresMiddleware, PostgresRequestExtensions};
use nickel::{Nickel};

use std::io::Read;
use hyper::header::{Header, HeaderFormat, Headers, Cookie, CookiePair, SetCookie};

fn main() {
let mut server = Nickel::new();

let postgres_url = "postgresql://test@localhost";
let db_mgr = PostgresConnectionManager::new(postgres_url.as_ref(), SslMode::None).expect("Unable to connect to database");
let db_pool = Pool::new(Config::default(), db_mgr).expect("Unable to initialize connection pool");


server.utilize(router! {
    post "/test/" => |request, mut response| {
        let mut c1 = CookiePair::new("test".to_owned(), "Done".to_owned());
        c1.httponly = true;

        let set_cookies = SetCookie(vec![c1]);
            let mut headers = Headers::new();



I'm always the get error:
trait bound hyper::header::SetCookie: modifier::Modifier<nickel::Response<'_, _>> is not satisfied
I try many ways to resolve this problem and fail with errors something like this:
the trait bound hyper::header::Cookie: hyper::header::Header is not satisfied
error: the trait bound hyper::header::Cookie: hyper::header::HeaderFormat is not satisfied