nicjansma / saltthepass.js algorithm to generated salted passwords

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Copyright 2020 Nic Jansma

Licensed under the MIT license


saltthepass.js is the algorithm that generates salted passwords for

saltthepass.js can be used to build your own app, website or program to generate the same salted passwords as does.


Releases are available for download from GitHub.

Development: src/* folder ~ 17kb total

Production (without CryptoJS): saltthepass.min.js ~ 1.5kb (minified / gzipped)

Production (with CryptoJS built-in): saltthepass.withdeps.min.js ~ 8.5kb (minified / gzipped)

saltthepass.js is also available as the npm saltthepass module. You can install it using Node Package Manager (npm):

npm install saltthepass


Please see for a description of how/why you would use salted passwords.


saltthepass.js depends on the CryptoJS library. SaltThePass is tested to work with CryptoJS v3.1.2, which can be installed via the bower cryptojslib package.

When using the NPM package, CryptoJS is a package dependency.

If using this in the browser, you will need to load the following CryptoJS modules in this order prior to using saltthepass.js, if not using one of the pre-built versions in dist/ such as saltthepass.withdeps.js or saltthepass.withdeps.min.js:

  • crypto-js/core
  • crypto-js/x64-core
  • crypto-js/sha1
  • crypto-js/sha512
  • crypto-js/sha3
  • crypto-js/md5
  • crypto-js/ripemd160
  • crypto-js/enc-base64

Browser - Development Versions

To use un-minified versions of saltthepass.js in the browser, you need to have the cryptojslib bower package:

bower install cryptojslib

Then load the files in this order:

<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/x64-core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/sha1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/sha512.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/sha3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/md5.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/ripemd160.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps/crypto-js/enc-base64.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/util.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/domainnamerule.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/saltthepass.js"></script>

The file dist/saltthepass.withdeps.js is a single JavaScript file with all of the above components in the correct order, so it can be used instead if desired:

<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/saltthepass.withdeps.js"></script>

Browser - Minified Versions

There are two minified versions of saltthepass.js provided in the dist/ folder:

  • saltthepass.min.js - Does not include CryptoJS
  • saltthepass.withdeps.min.js - Includes CryptoJS

If your site already has the required CryptoJS modules loaded, you can use saltthepass.min.js.

If you are not already using CryptoJS, you can use saltthepass.withdeps.min.js.


To use saltthepass.js in NodeJS, you just need to install:

npm install saltthepass

Then require() it:

var saltthepass = require('saltthepass');
var saltedPassword = saltthepass.saltthepass('md5', 'mypassword', 'mydomain', 'myphrase');

Command Line

You can install saltthepass as a command-line program via NPM:

npm install -g saltthepass
> saltthepass
  --hash, -h      Name of the hash, e.g. md5
          [choices: "md5", "sha1", "sha2", "sha3", "ripemd160"] [default: "md5"]
  --password, -p  Master Password                                     [required]
  --domain, -d    Domain Name                                         [required]
  --phrase, -r    Domain phrase
  --help          Show help                                            [boolean]
  --version       Show version number                                  [boolean]

> saltthepass -h sha3 -p password -d domain -r phrase


Using SaltThePass

First, load saltthepass.js in the browser:

<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/saltthepass.withdeps.min.js"></script>

or in Node:

var saltthepass = require('saltthepass');

Next, you can get a list of available hashes:

var hashes = saltthepass.getHashes();

This will be a list of strings, such as md5, sha3, etc. You can get additional data about the hashes via saltthepass.getHashFn() and saltthepass.getHashLength().

To generate a salted password, you simply call saltthepass.saltthepass() with the master password, domain name and (optional) domain phrase:

var saltedPassword = saltthepass.saltthepass('md5', 'mypassword', '', 'domain phrase');

Using DomainNameRules

After getting your saltthepass object (see above), create a new DomainNameRule:

var dnr = new saltthepass.DomainNameRule({
    domain: '',
    aliases: ['', ''],
    min: 8,
    max: 16,
    regex: 'A-Z0-9'

Now that you have a DomainNameRule, you can see if it matches your domain, if your password is valid, and have it attempt to automatically rewrite your password if not:

if (dnr.matches('')) {
    if (!dnr.isValid('mypassword')) {
        var myNewPassword = dnr.rewrite('mypassword');



Gets a list of supported hashes.


A list of supported hash names.

For example: ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha2', 'sha3', 'ripemd160']


Gets the CryptoJS hash function for a specific hash.


  • hashName - Name of the hash, eg md5


Hashing function.


Gets the number of Base64 characters the hash function will return.


  • hashName - Name of the hash, eg md5


Number of characters of the hash.

saltthepass.hash(hashName, phrase)

Hashes the specified phrase.


  • hashName - Name of the hash, eg md5
  • phrase - Phrase to hash


The Base64 encoded hashed phrase.

saltthepass.saltthepass(hashName, masterPassword, domainName, domainPhrase)

Generates a salted password identical to


  • hashName - Name of the hash, eg md5
  • masterPassword - Master password
  • domainName - Domain name
  • domainPhrase - Domain phrase (optional)


The salted password.


Standardizes a domain name for use with DomainNameRules.

For example, will take and return


  • url - URL


Standardized domain for use in DomainNameRules.


Creates a Domain Name Rule.


  • data - Can contain any of the following options:
    • domain - Domain name (eg. '')
    • aliases - Array of additional domain names that will match (eg. ['', ''])
    • description - Description
    • min - Minimum number of characters in the password
    • max - Maximum number of characters in the password
    • invalid - An array of characters that are not allowed in the password (eg. ['!', '_'])
    • required - An array of characters where one of the characters needs to be in the password (eg. ['-', '!'])
    • validregex - A simplified regular expression that would fit in a character set (eg. A-Z0-9, which would fit in [A-Z0-9]). The regular expression is run case-sensitive. validregex should be used in preference over regex (which can contain full regular expressions, not just a character sets), as validregex can easily be inverted (eg [^A-Z0-9]) so passwords can be rewritten if they contain invalid characters.
    • regex - A full regular expression that the password must match. The regex is run case-sensitive.


A DomainNameRule class.


Determines whether or not the Domain Name Rule matches the specified domain.


  • domain - Domain to match against


True if the Domain Name Rule matches the domain.


Determines whether or not the Domain Name Rule would pass for the specified password.


  • password - Password to check


True if the Domain Name Rule would pass for the specified password.


Attempts to rewrite the password (in a stable and consistent manner) to match the Domain Name Rule.


  • password - Password to rewrite


Rewritten password if possible. Otherwise, undefined.


saltthepass.js tests are provided in the test/ directory, and can be run via nodeunit:

nodeunit test/test.js

Or via grunt:

grunt test

The tests can also be run in a web browser:


Version History

  • v0.1.0 - 2013-05-22: Initial version
  • v0.2.0 - 2013-07-16: DomainNameRule and standardizeDomain() added.
  • v0.2.1 - 2013-07-17: DomainNameRule.validregex added
  • v0.2.2 - 2013-07-17: DomainNameRule.validregex and DomainNameRule.regex are case-sensitive now
  • v0.3.0 - 2020-02-12: CLI available

About algorithm to generated salted passwords

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 95.0%Language:HTML 5.0%