nicbet / docker-phoenix

A dockerized Phoenix development and runtime environment.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Many of the tagged commits are showing up as unverified.

restlessronin opened this issue · comments

@nicbet First of all, thanks for creating this project. I wish I had found it when I first started dockerizing phoenix, it would have saved me a ton of learning from scratch. But I'm happy I did find it eventually.

Just a small issue. In around half the tags are being marked as "unverified". it's probably not a huge deal, but the neurotic in me noticed, and I thought I'd point it out.

Hi @restlessronin, the commits from yesterday were made on a new laptop that wasn't set up with my GPG key yet. Amending these is possible, but I'd re required to force push a new history - not going to do that. Will sign going forward.