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OAuth redirect URI mismatch

totzk9 opened this issue · comments

I was using Facebook OAuth provider but it's returning a .../facebook/callback?code=... instead of .../facebook/callback?refreshToken=...

completeOAuthProviderSignIn()'s if (!queryArgs.containsKey(refreshTokenQueryParamName)) check returns true because the refreshTokenQueryParamName is incorrect.

const refreshTokenQueryParamName = 'refreshToken'; <~ this should be code instead of refreshToken

callback?code is correct. You can test this sample-website:


if you login with google the last step involves a redirection with the code argument.

I am closing this issue as I think there is nothing to do here but feel free to reopen otherwise.

hi @dbarrosop

Allow me to correct you that notice in this Flutter sdk via auth_client.dart::line 570

  Future<void> completeOAuthProviderSignIn(Uri redirectUrl) async {
    final queryArgs = redirectUrl.queryParameters;
    if (!queryArgs.containsKey(refreshTokenQueryParamName)) {

    await _refreshSession(queryArgs[refreshTokenQueryParamName]);

the function actually do nothing because the if (!queryArgs.containsKey(refreshTokenQueryParamName)) called since refreshTokenQueryParamName still has refreshToken which is inside types.dart::line 25

which is why I created this PR #111

but again, I also created a fork of it but ended up a 400 error which I raised in the discord channel

statusCode=400, responseBody={status: 400, message: "refreshToken" with value "AQBRZWt.....4-dHewN-TLo7AwiVFyu1B5n0......AKcAiNE1WOwmxAGlTzUm-..........zd4QioHRVxAuO62H.....n7bkpMIDyTzRTbqUshutcw" fails to match the required pattern: /\b[0-9a-f]{8}\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\b[0-9a-f]{12}\b/, error: invalid-request}

I am reopening the issue to keep with the discussion but I think this is a misunderstanding of how oauth flow works.

  1. When the oauth provider authenticates the users it sends a callback to hasura-auth with the ?code parameter you are referring to.
  2. hasura-auth then validates the code, does a couple of other things and then finally it redirects to the application with the refresh token

You can see the flow here:


And you can test the flow yourself here:


So to me what the dart code is doing looks completely fine. I think the actual issue is that you misunderstood which callback was which and you are sending the callback that should go to hasura-auth to your application instead.

If you read this:


You have:

Under Authorized redirect URIs add your OAuth Callback URL from Nhost.

For example:

Screenshot 2023-09-24 at 14 00 47

Yes, I've already added the client ID, client Secret and as well as Authorized redirect URIs.

here's sample of the redirectURIs I receive after authenticating with Google or Facebook.

Everytime I authenticate with a new user, it automatically creates a new user in the auth so that would mean my implementation was correct.

I think the problem is within refreshTokenQueryParamName

I think the problem is within refreshTokenQueryParamName

Why? We have established already that code goes to hasura-auth and refreshToken goes to your dart application, so this is fine:

const refreshTokenQueryParamName = 'refreshToken';

Your dart application should never see the ?code query arg.

Ah i see. that makes sense

Ok, cool. Glad we are now on the same page :) I am closing the issue but feel free to reopen if you still think there is an issue here or open a new one if you find something else.