nhoizey / vscode-gremlins

Gremlins tracker for Visual Studio Code: reveals invisible whitespace and other annoying characters

Home Page:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=nhoizey.gremlins

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add all zero-width characters

varkor opened this issue · comments

In general, it seems that zero-width characters are a mistake (e.g. #13). I recently had an issue with U+0001. It would be nice if all these characters were highlighted, rather than a select few.

+1. Just ran into some stray variation selector (https://graphemica.com/FE0F) in JS string literal.

(Found it quite easily thanks another ext: Unicode code point of current character, but the murky feeling this otherwise trusted anti-gremlin ext let me down prevails.)

@varkor @myfonj hello, sorry for the very late answer, trying to catch up on all opened issues.

These would be useful indeed, but I would like to make Gremlins easily configurable before, so that people have the opportunity to decide which characters to look for.