nhn / tui.editor

🍞📝 Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible.

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Widget - undefined 'rule' error in viewer

digitalfuel opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Adding a widget to the editor works fine. But when viewing this from the Viewer I get TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'rule'). Likely because the rules are missing. I tried add the same widgetRules to the viewer options using widgetRules:... but did not work.

Widget markdown example $$widget0 @Firstname Lastname$$

Other markdown works but if widget is included then it breaks the Viewer and nothing is rendered.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create widget
  2. View it in Viewer.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'rule') in the customInline: function()

Expected behavior

Viewer should display the widget like the editor does.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Window 10
  • Browser Chrome,
  • Version latest
  • @toast-ui/vue-editor v3.1.7


Viewer only uses ToastMark. So, it can't get widget rules. But, If you put the widget rule in the viewer, it is no longer a lightweight module.

So what is the correct way to display widget in viewer?

Same here. I'm trying to use the input from the user on the Editor and display it somewhere else. But I can't support any customization I added to the markdown because the viewer can't support it. Would love a "readOnly" prop to the editor. So if "weight" is not an issue I can still show a readOnly preview.

I'm also having this same issue. There's no way to display a widget in viewer.