nhn / tui.editor

🍞📝 Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible.

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Request for plugin sample for tui-editor markdown

KesavanRadhakrishnan opened this issue · comments



I am new to enter in tui-editor markdown control, I have go through your docs and editor behavior, I have some doubt on creating the plugins for tui-editor, can you please provide any sample to handle the custom syntax like ![test](https://test.com) to identify and parse the text and preview in markdown.

I have another doubt that can I reuse the popups in tui-editor or may I manually call and open the popups like image and table.





Additional context

I have created some sample plugin, but I think it will be easy than my created sample

Here, I am using image(node) to identify the video link (![test](https://test.com)), but is it possible to declare and use my custom node identifier?

function videoPlugin(): PluginInfo {
  const toHTMLRenderers: CustomHTMLRenderer = {
    image(node, d) {
      if (d.entering) {
        let link = node.destination.replace(/!\[(\S+)\]/, '');
        link = link.replace(/[()]/g, '');
        link = link
        return [
            type: 'openTag',
            tagName: 'iframe',
            outerNewLine: true,
            attributes: { src: `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${link}` },
          { type: 'closeTag', tagName: 'iframe', outerNewLine: false },

  return { toHTMLRenderers };

Hi team,

any update on this?





This issue has been automatically marked as inactive because there hasn’t been much going on it lately. It is going to be closed after 7 days. Thanks!