nhn / tui.code-snippet

Group of utility methods to make ease with developing javascript applications.

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Google Analytics cannot be disabled as claimed in the Readme

T-vK opened this issue · comments




Development Environment

Windows, Linux, Chrome, Firefox
Running the image editor using the latest releases of the color picker, image editor and code snippet.

Current Behavior

The code snippet script is sending usage statistics to www.google-analytics.com
Setting tui.usageStatistics = false right before or after loading the script does not prevent that.

Here is an example: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/2p07
You can see that it silently sends a request to https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&t=event&tid=UA-115377265-9&cid=fiddle.sencha.com&dp=fiddle.sencha.com&dh=color-picker if you inspect the network traffic.

Expected Behavior

Setting tui.usageStatistics to false should reliably disable Google Analytics completely! This is absolutely crucial as it is illegal to collect such data without user consent in the EU and other countries.

I have the same problem, apparently is not possible to disable the 'usageStatistics' as they said in the Docs.

Like you said, it's ilegal in EU without usent consent. I hope they do something about that or improve the Docs to explain the correct way of disable the statistics.

I have the same problem too.

@T-vK @DanielQuero @juanmiSignlab
Sorry for late. It caused that Image-Editor bundling issue.
It will be release soon. Please check the image-editor release note.(https://github.com/nhnent/tui.image-editor/releases)


There still haven't been any commits in this Project for months and #23 was never accepted. I also checked the release page you linked, but there is no mention of a fix for this issue.

@T-vK use Image-Editor v3.5.1