nhn / toast-ui.react-calendar

TOAST UI Calendar wrapper for React.js

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Popup date time picker date end not setting the proper time

luvagu opened this issue · comments

toast-ui/react-calendar version 1.0.5

"@toast-ui/react-calendar": "^1.0.5",
"tui-calendar": "1.13.1",
"tui-date-picker": "4.2.2",
"tui-time-picker": "2.1.2"

Current Behavior

I noticed that with the above version of the libraries the date-time picker for the end date provided in the creation popup is picking the same date as the start date.

In your codepen example at https://codesandbox.io/s/toast-uireact-calendar-82fi9 this issue is not repflected as the libs version are much older.

Any ideas how to fix it?

Here is an screenshot of the issue:

Thanks for the report. After an investigation, I found that this problem has happened since tui-calendar@1.12.6 with React wrapper. The core version has no problem with any version about this issue.

I'll try to fix this but It would take some time. So you may need to use tui-calendar@1.12.5 version as a dependency until the fix is released.

Besides that, the example sandbox should be updated. Good point 👍

You're welcome and thanks for the quick reply.

I'll update my dependencies as advised!

BTW, Nice work!

@luvagu Hi, The problem is resolved by the latest version of tui-calendar, tui-date-picker, and tui-time-picker. Make sure update all of them to the latest version.