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View generated from snowflake should have left join

Kobus-Smit opened this issue · comments

Hi @zapov

Given this cut down dsl

module test {

root client(id) {
  int id { sequence; }
  string name;

root facility(id, client_id) {
  string id;
  int client_id;

  relationship client_rel(client_id) client; index(client_id);

root rating(id) {
  long id { sequence; }
  client *client { serialization name 'client'; }
  int clientID;
  string? facility_id;
  long? assigned_from;

  relationship assigned_from_rel(assigned_from) rating;        index(assigned_from);
  relationship facility_rel(facility_id, clientID) facility;   index(facility_id, clientID);

snowflake<rating> rating_list {
  id; as client_id; as client_name; as facility_id; as assignor_name;


Note the optional facility_id.
The v2.5.7202.21321 compiler generates this view:

create view rating_list("URI", id, client_id, client_name, facility_id, assignor_name) as
select ( as "URI",, as client_id, as client_name, as facility_id, as assignor_name
from ((((test.rating_entity _entity
  join test.client_entity _entity_client on (( = _entity."clientID")))
  join test.facility_entity _entity_facility_rel on (((( = (_entity.facility_id)::text) and
                                                      (_entity_facility_rel.client_id = _entity."clientID"))))
  left join test.rating_entity _entity_assigned_from_rel on (( = _entity.assigned_from)))
  left join test.client_entity _entity_assigned_from_rel_client on (( = _entity_assigned_from_rel."clientID")));

In this case I'd expect a left join facility_entity. Currently the view does not return any rows where the rating does not have a facility_id.

Please advise.



Tnx for the bug report.
I've fixed this and will deploy new version later today after tests finish. I suspect there might be some other side-effects of this fix which are not in sync.

btw. if you are into db friendly names there is database { postgres name <table>; } and int clientID { postgres name client_id; } if you prefer to use such names

Thanks @zapov

I'll remember the postgres name next time. This specific database was created 1.5 years ago, that's why it has mixed * and relationship's. I might do that refactoring because it will be cleaner and friendlier to do sql without the double quotes.


New compiler is up. It should work now

Fixed in 2.5.7526.35703