ngryman / cz-emoji

Commitizen adapter formatting commit messages using emojis.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Emoji Icon resource/list

Falieson opened this issue ยท comments

I basically want to have the same types as provided by the default cz-conventional-log package. I figure others maybe doing the same so I'll update this with a link to the commit when I'm done.

Meanwhile, this is the emoji list I'm using: is there a better one? Is there anything inaccurate about using this? ... I guess I'm not sure what "beetle" (the value) should correspond too.

Update: my commit and list of types: Falieson/TRAM@8115b06#diff-13e9c5d8bf5e473ad89e449a16c9ef5fR6

Enjoy and Thanks!

Hey sorry I'm late again.

Your link seems broken, linking to your types for posterity:

Perhaps we could add a section in the docs with some predefined types?

I think that'd be a great idea! Here's my latest... with this list of emojis:

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {
      "types": [
          "name": "feat \t\t๐ŸŒŸ  A new feature",
          "value": ":star2:"
          "name": "fix \t\t๐Ÿž  A bug fix",
          "value": ":beetle:"
          "name": "test \t\t๐Ÿš“  Testing improved with new or fixed tests",
          "value": ":police_car:"
          "name": "chore \t๐Ÿ”ฉ  Doesn't modify src or test files",
          "value": ":nut_and_bolt:"
          "name": "style \tโœ๏ธ  Doesn't affect the meaning of the code (white-space, semi-colons, etc)",
          "value": ":pencil2:"
          "name": "docs \t\t๐Ÿ“š  Documentation change",
          "value": ":books:"
          "name": "refactor \t๐ŸŽจ  Neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature",
          "value": ":art:"
          "name": "perf \t\t๐Ÿ’ฐ  Improves performance with this change",
          "value": ":moneybag:"
          "name": "build \t๐Ÿš€  Build system config or external dependencies",
          "value": ":rocket:"
          "name": "ci \t\t๐Ÿšฅ  CI config files and scripts",
          "value": ":traffic_light:"
          "name": "revert \t๐Ÿ’Š  Reverts a previous commit",
          "value": ":pill:"
          "name": "upgrade \tโคด๏ธ  Upgrades a repo package or a starter-kit from an upstream",
          "value": ":arrow_heading_up:"
      "scopes": [
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "./node_modules/cz-emoji"

I got undefined rather than :emoji: in the log using my config with the latest version of cz-emoji, rather than trying to fix the issue though I got rid of my types and tried the defaults you added from gitemoji. I really like it and am going to use those instead! My new config looks like:

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {
      "scopes": [
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "./node_modules/cz-emoji"

Hey @Falieson,

Happy that you like the new defaults!

The API has also probably changed since your last comment: Do you think it could be related to your error?