nginxinc / kic-reference-architectures

MARA: Modern Application Reference Architecture

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bug: when is a number not a number in the land of pulumi?

qdzlug opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The following error is thrown building our cluster....

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 +  pulumi:pulumi:Stack do-k8s-jaymara203 creating
    digitalocean:index:KubernetesCluster do-jaymara203-cluster  error: digitalocean:index/kubernetesCluster:KubernetesCluster resource 'do-jaymara203-cluster' has a problem: Attribute must be a whole number, got 3. Examine values at 'KubernetesCluster.NodePool.NodeCount'.
 +  pulumi:pulumi:Stack do-k8s-jaymara203 created
    digitalocean:index:KubernetesCluster do-jaymara203-cluster **failed** 1 error

  digitalocean:index:KubernetesCluster (do-jaymara203-cluster):
    error: digitalocean:index/kubernetesCluster:KubernetesCluster resource 'do-jaymara203-cluster' has a problem: Attribute must be a whole number, got 3. Examine values at 'KubernetesCluster.NodePool.NodeCount'.

    + 1 created

Duration: 2s


But looking at the config....

❯ pulumi config -C ./pulumi/python/infrastructure/digitalocean/container-registry
KEY                    VALUE
docean:instance_size   s-4vcpu-8gb
docean:k8s_version     1.22.12-do.0
docean:node_count      3
docean:region          sfo3
kubernetes:infra_type  DO

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Deploy to DO, and include a integer for # of nodes.
  2. Run deployment.
  3. Boom, as shown above...

Expected behavior
To work; if you remove the value from the config file and instead use the fallback in the code (which is also set to 3) things work as expected.

Your environment

Additional context

Fix is to force Pulumi to treat it as an int; so instead of Config.get you need to use Config.get_int.

Will be closed by #167