ngi644 / edx-analytics-dashboard

Dashboard to display course analytics to course teams

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Part of edX code

edX Analytics Dashboard BuildStatus CoverageStatus

Dashboard to display course analytics to course teams


  • Python 2.7.x (not tested with Python 3.x)
  • gettext

Getting Started

  1. Get the code (e.g. clone the repository).

  2. Install the Python requirements:

     $ make develop
  3. Setup your database:

     $ make syncdb
  4. Run the server:

     $ cd analytics_dashboard
     $ ./ runserver

By default the Django Default Toolbar is disabled. To enable it set the environmental variable ENABLE_DJANGO_TOOLBAR.

Alternatively, you can launch the server using:

    $ ENABLE_DJANGO_TOOLBAR=1 ./ runserver

Feature Gating

Need a fallback to disable a feature? Create a Waffle switch:

    $ ./ switch feature_name [on/off] --create

See the Waffle documentation for details on utilizing features in code and templates.

The following switches are available:

Switch Purpose
show_engagement_forum_activity Show the forum activity on the course engagement page

Authentication & Authorization

By default, this application relies on an external OAuth2/Open ID Connect provider (contained within the LMS) for authentication and authorization. If you are a developer, and do not want to setup edx-platform, you can get around this requirement by doing the following:

  1. Set ENABLE_AUTO_AUTH to True in your settings file. (This is the default value in settings/
  2. Set ENABLE_COURSE_PERMISSIONS to False in your settings file.
  3. Visit http://localhost:9000/test/auto_auth/ to create and login as a new user.

Internationalization (i18n)

In order to work with translations you must have you must have gettext installed. gettext should be available via your preferred package manager (e.g. yum, apt-get, 'brew, or ports`). ###Development### When adding or updating code, you should ensure all necessary strings are marked for translation. We have provided a command that will generate dummy translations to help with this. This will create an "Esperanto" translation that is actually over-accented English.

    $ make generate_fake_translations

Restart your server after running the command above and update your browser's language preference to Esperanto (eo). Navigate to a page and verify that you see fake translations. If you see plain English instead, your code is not being properly translated.

###Updating Translations### Once development is complete, translation source files (.po) must be generated. The command below handle this.

    $ cd analytics_dashboard && i18n_tool extract

The generated files located in analytics_dashboard/conf/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES should be uploaded to the analytics-dashboard and analytics-dashboard-js resources at Transifex where translators will begin the translation process. This task can be completed using the Transifex Client:

    $ tx push -s

Once translations are completed, run the commands below to download and compile the translations:

    $ tx pull -a
    $ cd analytics_dashboard && i18n_tool generate

Note that only the following files (for each language) should be committed to this repository:

  • django.po
  • djangojs.po


The code in this repository is licensed under version 3 of the AGPL unless otherwise noted.

Please see LICENSE.txt for details.

How to Contribute

Contributions are very welcome, but for legal reasons, you must submit a signed individual contributor's agreement before we can accept your contribution. See our CONTRIBUTING file for more information -- it also contains guidelines for how to maintain high code quality, which will make your contribution more likely to be accepted.


Unit Tests & Code Quality

The complete unit test and quality suite can be run with:

    $ make validate

The Python portion of this project uses nose to find and run tests. pep8 and pylint are used to verify code quality. All three can be run with the command below:

    $ make validate_python

JavaScript tests and linting can be run with the following command:

    $ make validate_js

Continuous Integration (CI) Reports

The commands above will generate coverage reports the build directory. Python reports are located in build/coverage. JavaScript reports are in build/coverage-js. Both should have a Cobertura coverage.xml file and an html directory with a human-readable HTML site.

Acceptance Tests

The acceptance tests are designed to test the application as whole (contrasted with unit tests that test individual components). These tests load the application in a browser and verify that data and elements appear as expected.

The Bash script will start the Django server and run the tests against the server. After the tests are run the server will be shutdown. Simply run the command below:

    $ ./

If you already have a server running, there is also a make task you can run instead of the script above.

    $ make accept

The tests make a few assumptions about URLs and authentication. These can be overridden by setting environment variables when executing either of the commands above.

Variable Purpose Default Value
DASHBOARD_SERVER_URL URL where the dashboard is served
API_SERVER_URL URL where the analytics API is served
API_AUTH_TOKEN Analytics API authentication token edx
DASHBOARD_FEEDBACK_EMAIL Feedback email in the footer
TEST_USERNAME Username used to login to the app edx
TEST_PASSWORD Password used to login to the app edx
PLATFORM_NAME Platform/organization name edX
APPLICATION_NAME Name of this application Insights
SUPPORT_URL URL where error pages should link

Override example:

    $ DASHBOARD_SERVER_URL="" API_SERVER_URL="" API_AUTH_TOKEN="example" make accept

Course Validation

In addition to the standard acceptance tests, there is also a script to validate all course pages and report their HTTP status codes. Use the command below to execute this script.

    $ make course_validation

Reporting Security Issues

Please do not report security issues in public. Please email

Mailing List and IRC Channel

You can discuss this code on the edx-code Google Group or in the edx-code IRC channel on Freenode.


Dashboard to display course analytics to course teams

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0